
status update!!

nelly suggested that i should post more about my weight loss journey...

"You know what you should do while your on your weightloss kick...BLOG IT!! What your eating, how your feeling, what excersises your doing, whats been hard, whats be easy, etc. I bet people would love it!! At least I would...even though we talk about it everyday!!"
i decided that maybe i should, ive been on track and these are my highlights for my one month mark:
  • i have been working out at least 4 times a week, some weeks 5 times
  • i have successfully kept track of my daily caloric intake ( i do slack on the weekends sometimes)
  • i have learned a ton of stuff from being a member of the Jillian Michaels website ( i LOVE her!!)
  • i successfully integrated low cal meals not only into mine & ryans diet but also have been making them for our weekly girls nights. the best site ever, eating well
  • i used to only eat 2 times a day, now i am eating 4 times a day. breakfast, lunch, snack & dinner.
  • i have cut my coffee intake down from 3 to 4 cups a morning to 1... 1 measly cup of coffee a day  :(
  • i have noticed that i consider everything i eat now that i have to write it down. i really do want that candy bar/hot chocolate/piece of cake/large pizza but do i really want to log that...? nope! *pat on back!*
  • i have gained a lot of pride in myself for sticking with it

and now the scariest part that i will divulge... my stats!

march 22, 2010:
  • weight 167
  • bust 44.25
  • waist 33.5
  • hips 42
  • thigh 24.25
  • bicep 12.75

april 22, 2010:
  • weight 159
  • bust 43
  • waist 32.25
  • hips 40.5
  • thigh 23.5
  • bicep 12.75

the weight might change tomorrow morning, at least im hoping it will. i weigh myself once a week and that is where i was at last saturday. i am really hoping it is 2 pounds less than that as that was my goal for my birthday, to lose 10 pounds. im really not sure where i stand though. i have been dealing with a bad back this week from an injury that happened last year. i really was going to push myself to the limit this week but the back wasn't letting me. i didn't want to hurt myself further so i took it easy, pretty much stuck to light cardio this week instead of my circuit training. although last night i did a 2 mile walk AND the biggest loser, last chance workout, as i felt i could handle it. i didn't finish the whole last chance workout, i left off the final circuit which consists of mountain climbers and the like. i would have thrown my back out and been left on the floor screaming for help! ryan wasn't home so i can only imagine what riff raff would have heard my screams at the elks across the street! :D

all in all i am very pleased with my progress and i will do another progress post in a month. i am almost half way to the weight i pledged to lose for the pound for pound challenge! such a great feeling, woooohoooo!


Nelly said...

You are awesome!! Best blog post yet, I'm so proud of you and I'm right by your side!! Bikini season is not ready for this ;)

shawna said...

is it bad that when i read the word "bikini" in your comment i got shivers?!

more like im not ready for the bikini!
at least not yet ;)

sunni said...

i'm so proud of you, you're doing so good!!

Nicole said...

This is great stuff. Keep up the good work.